
There are many effective treatments available for an enlarged prostate, including minimally invasive therapies and surgery. There are four common surgical procedures to treat BPH: TURP, GreenLight Laser Therapy, HoLEP, and Aquablation.

Surgical Treatments For BPH

Our surgical procedures treat BPH by removing excess prostate tissue that is causing an obstruction. By surgically removing the prostate tissue, this will allow the urine to flow naturally again, and your prostate gland will no longer be enlarged.

The various surgical procedures relieve patients of their urinary symptoms caused by BPH safely and effectively. Patients typically experience a significant improvement in their symptoms following the procedure.

Surgical procedures performed under anesthesia are done at the Mont-Royal Surgical Center – a state of the art, brand new surgical center with the highest level of quality and personal care.

Benefits Of Surgical Procedures

Surgical procedures provide patients with quick relief from their urinary symptoms caused by BPH.

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Risks/Side Effects

The common risks and side effects associated with surgical procedures are mild and transient.
They include:
  • Pain or difficulty when urinating
  • Discomfort in the pelvis
  • Blood in the urine
  • Inability to empty the bladder
  • Frequent or urgent need to urinate
  • Bladder infections
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)


The surgical procedures for treating BPH generally involve inserting an instrument through the urethra and into the prostate area to remove the excess prostate tissue that is preventing the urine from flowing.

There are several different surgeries available to treat BPH:


For TURP, the resectoscope is used to trim the excess prostate tissue from the inside of your prostate gland. As these small pieces of tissue are cut, irrigating fluid transports them to your bladder. They are then removed at the end of the procedure.


During GreenLight Laser Therapy, a high power of laser energy is administered that instantly and gently vaporizes the prostatic tissue. The surgeon continues this process until all of the obstructing tissue is removed, which allows the restoration of urinary flow.


The HoLEP procedure involves a holmium laser to free up the enlarged prostate tissue from the outer shell. Once this excessive tissue is deposited into the bladder, the laser is removed and a morcellator is inserted to suction out the remaining tissue.


Aquablation therapy removes the prostate tissue using a heat-free waterjet controlled by robotic technology to remove prostate tissue. It is the only procedure that combines a camera (called a cystoscope) with ultrasound imaging, giving the surgeon the ability to see the entire prostate in real time.

Who is a Candidate?

Candidates for surgical procedures are men who are experiencing symptoms of BPH, but have not responded well to medication or other treatments.
It is also recommended for patients who wish to avoid dealing with long-term problems such as urine retention, bladder stones, and urinary tract infections.
effective BPH interventions in Canada


Each surgical procedure typically takes around 1-2 hours to complete. Some patients may be discharged the same day and some are required to remain overnight following the procedure for observation and recovery.


Following the surgical procedures, patients will be required to wear a catheter until the doctor deems it is okay to remove it. The recovery period typically lasts over the course of several weeks. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activity during this time.

Additional BPH Treatments

If surgery does not seem like the best option for you, there are other options available for you to treat your BPH. These include minimally invasive surgical therapies (MIST), such as Rezum, iTind, and UroLift, or medication, such as Alpha Blockers, 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors, and PDE-5 Inhibitors.

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older men suffering urinary BPH Symptoms