Can BPH Lead to Erectile Dysfunction?

For a while now, there has been an ongoing discussion on whether or not BPH can actually lead to having erectile dysfunction. There have been several reports of patients with BPH experiencing erectile dysfunction later on in their lives.

Although there is currently no medical proof that directly links BPH to erectile dysfunction, it is likely to suggest that the stress caused by the urinary symptoms from BPH can possibly lead to sexual side effects such as erectile dysfunction.

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BPH and Erectile Dysfunction Explained

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged prostate gland. BPH is a common condition as men get older. The prostate is a small gland that starts out about the size of a walnut, and as men age, the gland becomes enlarged.

The symptoms of BPH are often very mild at first, but they become more serious if they aren’t treated. Symptoms can include trouble with urination, a weak urine stream, and not feeling empty after urination.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs when a man is unable to get and maintain an erection that is sufficient for satisfying sexual activity. If left untreated, it can cause stress, impact your self-confidence, and contribute to problems in a relationship.

Can an Enlarged Prostate Cause ED?

Despite what many people believe, having an enlarged prostate does not directly cause ED. However, certain BPH treatments may possibly affect the ability to maintain an erection. Understanding these side effects is important before choosing which BPH treatment is right for you.

BPH Medications

Certain medications for BPH may cause patients to have a decreased sex drive and ED as a side effect. Clinical studies have shown that it might be possible for certain anti-testosterone drugs to possibly cause symptoms of ED. If BPH symptoms occur even after taking medications, you may have to undergo a surgical treatment to remove the excess prostate tissue that is responsible for your BPH.

Surgical Treatments for BPH

Surgical treatments also have the possibility to lead to ED-related side effects. In most cases, the effects were temporary, and men were able to return to sexual activity within a couple of months. While this only occurred in a small percentage of men, it is still important to note that this could be a potential side effect.

Minimally Invasive Treatments for BPH

The good news is that while these side effects have the possibility of occurring, they are not guaranteed to happen. The best treatment for an enlarged prostate is not the same for every man.

If medications or surgical treatments are not right for you, there is also the option of trying minimally invasive treatments for BPH. They are known to have minimal side effects and preserve sexual function. These treatments include:

  • Rezūm Water Vapour Therapy
  • Temporarily Implanted Nitinol Device (iTind)
  • UroLift
  • Transurethral Microwave Therapy (TUMT)

If you are experiencing any form of urinary symptoms (with or without ED-related side effects), you should seek medical attention to evaluate the severity of your symptoms and determine if they are related to BPH.