Zorn EZ Hydrocele Treatment™

Experience rapid symptom relief and a quick recovery with our proven treatment options. 

At BPH Canada, Dr. Zorn and his team of experienced professionals offer the Zorn EZ Hydrocele Treatment™, which includes two effective treatment options for hydroceles.

A hydrocele is a small sac filled with fluid that forms inside a man’s scrotum. While hydroceles are benign and noncancerous, they can cause swelling in the scrotum that could be painful and uncomfortable. Hydroceles could form around both testicles. 

Dr. Zorn offers two different treatment options for treating a hydrocele:

  • Hydrocele aspiration and sclerotherapy
  • Hydrocelectomy

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How Does it Work?

Zorn EZ Hydrocele Treatment™ provides quick relief from uncomfortable pain and swelling.

Whether you choose to get a hydrocelectomy, or you opt for the more minimally invasive option of aspiration and sclerotherapy, you will experience quick relief from the pain and swelling that a hydrocele can cause. 

Aspiration and sclerotherapy is quick, effective, and delivers results without the complications of surgery. A hydrocelectomy will effectively eliminate the hydrocele and prevent recurrence. Dr. Zorn will help determine which treatment option is right for you. 


Dr. Zorn offers two effective treatment options: aspiration and sclerotherapy, or hydrocelectomy.

Aspiration and Sclerotherapy

The first step to this procedure is aspiration, which involves draining the fluid from the hydrocele. Dr. Zorn will insert a needle into the scrotum and direct it toward the hydrocele. Suction is applied to remove as much fluid as possible.

The next step is sclerotherapy. Dr. Zorn will inject a solution into the hydrocele to scar the inner lining of the hydrocele sac. resulting in permanent resolution of the hydrocele. Sclerotherapy helps prevent recurrence by preventing the sac from refilling.

permanent resolution of hydrocele for men in Canada


Before the procedure begins, patients are placed under either spinal or general anesthesia. Once this takes effect, a small incision will be made in your scrotum or groin area near your scrotum.

Dr. Zorn will close the opening between your processus vaginalis and your scrotum. Next, the hydrocele sac will be removed, and small, silicone tubes will then be stitched into your affected area to drain any fluid or blood. Finally, the incision will be stitched closed.

minimally invasive surgeries for hydrocele treatment in Canada


Both forms of treatment are typically performed in less than an hour.


Patients will experience very little to no pain at all.


Aspiration and Sclerotherapy
The results of the procedure are immediate. The hydrocele is drained completely through a small needle puncture. The scrotum returns to its normal size immediately with no visible wound. Patients may feel some slight post-operative pain, but this typically resolves in 2-3 days.

Since this is an outpatient procedure, patients will be able to return home the same day. It is recommended to apply ice packs to the treated area for at least 24 hours after a hydrocelectomy. Patients should avoid strenuous activities and sexual activity for at least 2 weeks, and should keep the area clean and dry to prevent any infections. Most patients can resume their normal activities about 2 days after the procedure.

effective surgical treatment for hydrocele treatment in Canada

Effective treatments for male sexual health that are low risk and minimally invasive.

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All surgical procedures carry some risk.

Some general risks of a Zorn EZ Hydrocele Treatment™ include the following:

  • Anesthesia risks
  • Healing problems
  • Infection
  • Mass of clotted blood (hematoma)
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Unfavorable scarring
  • Recurrence

Risks of a surgical hydrocelectomy can include:

  • Infection / scrotal abscess formation (3.6% - 9.3%)
  • Treatment failure (persistent swelling or recurrence) (6% - 9.3%)
  • Hematoma (5%)
  • Damage to the epididymis and/or vas deferens (3%)
  • Injury to the scrotal contents including the testicle (2%)
  • Chronic pain (0.6%)

The most common side effects associated with aspiration are risk of infection and temporary pain in the scrotum. 

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