Relieve BPH Symptoms with GreenLight Laser Therapy

Dealing with the symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) can be challenging, and often leads to seeking out an effective treatment. One such promising option is GreenLight Laser Therapy. This innovative procedure uses laser technology to remove excess prostate tissue, improving urinary flow and reducing symptoms associated with BPH.

Here, we will explore the details of GreenLight Laser Therapy – how it works, its benefits, its risks, and the candidates for such a procedure. Whether you are considering this treatment or simply looking to learn more, this guide will provide you with valuable insights into this advanced medical solution.

What is GreenLight Laser Therapy?

GreenLight Laser Therapy is a long lasting BPH treatment that uses laser technology to remove overgrown prostate tissue and rapidly restore the natural flow of urine. It evaporates the prostatic tissue that blocks the outlet of the bladder.

Patients who undergo GreenLight Laser Therapy experience an almost immediate relief of symptoms, as well as an improvement in their urine flow. It has been proven to have shorter recovery and fewer complications than traditional prostate surgery. Patients can be expected to return home the day of the procedure, and can resume their daily activities within a few days. 

How Can I Benefit from GreenLight Laser Therapy?

GLL provides patients with quick relief from their urinary symptoms caused by BPH. It also allows them to return to their regular lives quickly, and has a short catheterisation period.

Here are some main benefits:

  • Rapid Improvement in Urinary Symptoms: GreenLight Laser Therapy gives patients an immediate improvement in urinary symptoms and urine flow. Patients typically experience symptom relief within 24 hours following the procedure. Patients have also noticed a significant improvement in their flow of urine after receiving the treatment.


  • Quick Return to Regular Life: This procedure also allows patients to return to their regular activities rather quickly. Overnight stays for recovery are not required, as they are with other surgical procedures, which allows patients to get back to their daily life almost immediately.


  • Short Period of Catheterisation: Unlike other surgical procedures for BPH, GreenLight Laser Therapy does not require patients to keep their catheter in for a long period of time. The catheter is usually kept in place no longer than 24 hours. Most patients are only required to keep it in for 6 hours. 

Are There Any Risks to GreenLight Laser Therapy?

While fewer risks are associated with GreenLight Laser Therapy compared to other surgical treatments, there are still some side effects that may occur.

Potential risks can include retrograde ejaculation (dry orgasms), or in very rare cases, erectile dysfunction or a build up of scar tissue in the urethra. Patients may also experience issues holding urine, which could be a result of the procedure or to changes in the bladder related to the enlarged prostate.

Should I Get GreenLight Laser Therapy?

You should get GreenLight Laser Therapy if you are experiencing symptoms of BPH and are looking for an alternative to traditional invasive surgical procedures. For patients who are advised to undergo surgical therapy to treat their symptoms, GreenLight Laser Therapy is often highly recommended as it has fewer risks than the traditional surgical prostate treatments.

For patients who suffer from prostate cancer or malignant prostate diseases, other treatment options are available.

GreenLight Laser Therapy at BPH Canada.

Here at BPH Canada, we offer our patients GreenLight Laser Therapy as a safe and effective treatment option. Book a consultation with our dedicated team today.